Time: Sundays, 9:00 am

Location: E Building

Leaders: Josh Harder, Josué and Sara Gonzalez, Micaela Pulliam, Leia Schramm, and Brooke Schweitzer

About: Whether you’re a college student or in the early stages of your career, our group is designed for fellowship, encouragement, and spiritual growth.

Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Fellowship
  • Testimonies
  • Sermon Discussions
  • Prayer Requests/ Prayer

Currently, we have 25 active members who meet on Sundays and/or Tuesdays, with additional gatherings throughout the week. Our group chat as well as our Instagram keeps everyone connected and informed about upcoming events and opportunities.

Follow us on instagram: yapathway

Have any questions? Feel free to contact Josh Harder (joshuaharder3.0@gmail.com)

Group page on Church Center.